Warda Youssouf Youth Program Manager
Warda Youssouf (pronounced Wah-rr-dah, she/hers) is an Artist and Arts Organizer based in Toronto. Born in Djibouti and raised in the UK. Her experimental documentary “Where Are You From?” screened at The Regent Park Film Festival and TIFF New Horizons; New voices of Canada. Warda works across various artistic mediums, including visual art, theatre, poetry, painting, and puppetry. Her practice is engaged with themes of home, sexuality, identity, and displacement. She has spent almost a decade engaging local communities through curating storytelling shows and art therapy events. Her identifiers are Newcomer, Neurodivergent, and Somali.

Sarah Illiatovitch-Goldman, Director of Development and Communications
Sarah Illiatovitch-Goldman (she/hers) is an artist, educator and activist and is thrilled to be back working with Project: Humanity! Sarah first worked for PH from 2009-2012 doing random jobs of all kinds - including but not limited to being a teaching artist in youth shelters, a high school tour coordinator, a commissioned playwright, and once ran a PH Gift Wrapping Station at Yorkdale Mall at Christmas time.
Since that time Sarah has primarily been based in Chicago working in storytelling. She spent 4 years on the literary team of Steppenwolf Theatre Company helping to see the fruition of 6 world premiere productions. As an educator, Sarah has worked as an adjunct professor of playwriting and script analysis at The University of Illinois – Chicago, in high schools and elementary schools, in summer camps, and prisons. For 5 years Sarah was the Director of Hearts to Art, a performing arts program for young people who have experienced the death of a parent.

Antonio Cayonne, Founding Member
Antonio (he/him) is an actor and arts facilitator , as well as a Co-Founder of Project: Humanity. Past credits include Lysander in A Midsummer Night's Dream (Canadian Stage), Jude in The Innocents, and Project: Humanity's The Middle Place. His experience as an arts and outreach facilitator has seen him work with youth groups from Soulpepper Theatre Company and Canadian Stage, as well as in various TDSB classrooms, most notably Bishop Strachan Academy, Havergal College, City Adult Learning Centre.
Antonio now resides on the West Coast.

Catherine Murray, Founding Member
Catherine (she/her) is an experienced arts outreach facilitator and has worked extensively with both marginalized communities as well as executive level business clientele. Catherine has experience in theatre production and not-for-profit business administration. She completed much of the transcription for The Middle Place and has been a major part of developing Project: Humanity's approach to interview transcription.
Catherine now resides on the West Coast.