Thank you to our supporters

At Project: Humanity (PH), we believe in the power of the arts to stimulate compassion, help people listen better, and inspire active citizenship.

Through both the PH: THEATRE and PH: YOUTH arms of the company, we continue to discover innovative ways to nurture creativity and connectivity in the communities that need it most.

Thank You To The Amazing Donors From Our 23/24 and 24/25 Seasons!

Anonymous x 9

Adam Chen

Adam Fearnall

Amanda Plumb

Andrew Gillespie

Andrew Kushnir

Anja Zeljkovic, with the McCall MacBain Foundation

Anne Fleming

Antonio Cayonne

Aviva Zimmerman
*In memory of Ron Laconte and Betsy Barber

Barbara Fingerote

Barry Lazar

Beth Virtue

Betty Moulton

Bohdan Wasyleczko

Brendan Jensen

Brian Herald

Brian Loevner

Carla O’Brien

Caron Brick

Casey (Kathleen) Richardson-Scott

Catherine Chapman-Smith

Catherine Fowler

Cedric Martin

Chris Cowperthwaite

Christina Lisinska

Damien Atkins

Dan Fournier

Daniel Champan-Smith

Danielle Bourgon and Gareth Simpson

Darrah Teitel

David Chapman-Smith

David Sculthorpe

Deby Ko

Desiree Chan

Doreen (Dory) Fumia

Drew Jurecka

Dylan Wade

Ed Noble

Elizabeth Hurst
*Merry Christmas to Jean, Genna, and Gabbie

Elizabeth and Michael Loevner

Ellora Patnaik

The Employees of LexisNexis

Eric Angelini

Erin Rempe

Ethan and Ariel Siller

The Fletcher Family

Franca Gucciardi

Francesca Arkley

Gideon Arthurs

Gilad Cohen

Gilly Regev
*Gift made at the request of Tom Shashoni

Hayley Gilgan

Heather Spratt

Holly Goodfellow

Hugh Brewster

Ian Edwards

James Catt

James O’Connor

James and Diane King

Jamie Latner

Jane McCutcheon

Jane Tuohey

Janet Mairs

Janet O’Hearn

Jean McKen

Jeanne Yamonaco

Jeff Bradshaw

Jeff Goldman and Michelle Illiatovitch
*In honour of the Project: Humanity Staff

Jennifer Gunning

Jessica Greenberg

Jillian Rosenberg

Jim and Donna Simpson

Joanna Ebbutt

Joupert Inc.

Julie Cao

Karen Fortin

Karen Williams

Kate Bishop and Doug Gerhart

Kathleen Gallagher

Kathleen Wynne

Khari McClelland

Laura Gruber

Laurie Koensgen

Leah Cherniak

Libby (Elizabeth) Bandeen

Liza Balkan

Lois Adamson

Lorraine Kirchmann

Lydia Vanderkooy

The Mapili-Abalos Family

The Management Team of Camp Wenonah

Mark Newbury

Mark Pawlowsky

Mark Schaan

Mark Wasyleczko

Martha Malloy

Mary Goldman

Mathew Jocelyn

Matthew McEvoy

Micah Richardson

Michelle Feir

Mike Schwindt

Nana aba Duncan

Nancy Vandenbergh

Natasha Sawh, with the McCall MacBain Foundation

Nicole Beatty

Noni (Annette) Kirby

Owais Lightwala

Paul Halferty

Paul Wronski

Paula Wing

Peter Katz

Riaz Shaikh
*Dedicated to Jay Goray and Hanif Shaikh

Ross Stuart

Sarah Deakins

Sharyn Sutherland

Sheila Calloway

Shelly Clifton
*On Behalf of Apex Media Partners

Simon Moses

Sira Borges

Sofia Chavez

Stephanie Belding

Steve and Kathy Mueller

Thomas Appleyard

Valerie Hussey

Wayne Gwillim

Wilhelmina Cromwell
*In Honour of Antonio Cayonne

Zara Jestadt

Project: Humanity is grateful for the support of our major funders AND SPONSORS both private and public.