PH 1:1 artist-mentor guide
Contact List and Links
Click on the name of each organization to view relevant contact information.
Project: Humanity
Warda Youssouf:
Daniel Chapman-Smith:
General Administrator:
Sarah Illiatovitch-Goldman:
Andrew Kushnir:
Youth Without Shelter
Tonka G (SIS):; 416-748-0110 ext. 29
Khaleah (Drop In):; 416-748-0110 ext. 28
Front Desk: 416-748-0110
Eva's Phoenix
Troy Logan:; 416-364-4716 ext. 310
Front Desk: 416-364-8017 ext. 225
Covenant House
Karen Eacott (ROP):; 416-646-4970
Pulsara Batra:; 416-204-7058
Donald Pulker:; 416-598-4898
Front Desk: 416-598-4898
Friends of Ruby
Ajoke Amis:; 647-250-1894
Sammi Ho:; 416-359-0237
Front Desk: 416-359-0237
Kennedy House
Christina Brady:
Front Desk: 416-421-7778
Rexdale Community Health Centre
Devika Persaud:; 416-744-6312 Ext. 3276 or (416) 688-1436(cell)
Front Desk: 416-744-0066
Turning Point Youth Services
Rebecca Wilks:; 416-925-9250 x241
Anne Elliott:; 416-925-9250
Front Desk: 416-925-9250
Our Place Peel
Isaac Akande:; 905-791-2334
Front Desk: 905-238-1383
Elizabeth Fry
Lucy Gudgeon:; 416-924-3708 ext. 234
Natalie Carpentier:; 416-924-3708
Front Desk: 416-924-3708
First Steps
Welcome to PH 1:1! In order to set up your mentorship, please complete the following:
Read and review this Artist-Mentor Info Page
Submit by email to
Contract (signed)
Direct Deposit Form
P:H’s Vulnerable Sector Policy (signed)
Police Reference Check
Attend a Group Onboarding Session over Zoom
Dates & Times TBD -- Will be communicated via email by Warda
Bring any questions, concerns, or ideas you might have to the Session.
If you can’t make the scheduled sessions, please let Warda know ASAP!
If you are paired with a youth from Youth Without Shelter…
Please additionally sign and return the YWS Policy to
If you are paired with a youth from Covenant House…
Warda will connect you with Pulsara Batra and Tehut Tegene to complete CH’s onboarding process.
This will include a review of paperwork and policies, and an additional call to go over their contents. Please direct any questions to Pulsara.
Please submit your Police Reference Check to Pulsara along with, and inform Warda as soon as you do.
You do NOT need to finish CH’s onboarding in order to start the mentorship, but you DO need to turn in your Police Check!
Mentorship Structure
The PH 1:1 Arts Mentorship Program is a one-on-one virtual mentorship between a professional artist (you) and a youth based at one of several shelters and community organizations. The partnership lasts 12 weeks.
Warda will arrange your first session with your youth-mentee, which will be a Zoom call. Either Warda or Dan will also attend the start of this session in order to introduce everyone and answer any questions you may have. Following the first session, Dan or Warda will also call you to go over the Session Log and discuss how the mentorship will proceed.
One 1-hr (60-minute) Zoom (video call) or in person Session per Week ;
Mentor sends out the Zoom link every week.
We recommend artists budget 90 minutes for each 60-minute session, in order to account for any technical difficulties and give time to complete your Session Log.
That being said, P:H invites artists and youth to determine the best format for meetings, communication, etc. based on the needs and learning style of the youth and what’s most appropriate for the art form you’re working in.
examples of other formats:
Biweekly sessions, with 2hr sessions every other week
Shorter “check-ins”; multiple 15-30 minute phone or video calls throughout the week
“Ongoing” mentorship without scheduled calls; Mentor and Youth connect via texting, file-sharing, voice or video messages, etc. over the course of the week.
**If you & your youth are considering an alternate format, please share with P:H via email to Warda and we’ll get in touch to discuss and support this transition.
Getting Paid
Project: Humanity asks that all artists invoice $105 per week that their mentorships are active (this includes the week that you were onboarded by Dan) up to a total of 12 weeks.
If an artist is unable to offer mentorship for a week, we ask that you not invoice for that week. We can not process payroll until we have received everyone's invoices, so the earlier you can get your invoices in the better! (You can even do them all now and post-date them if you'd like, and we can adjust later if you miss any weeks).
Our expected pay dates fall between the 5th and 10th of each month. Invoice questions can be directed by email to info.
Session Logs
Each week, you will submit a Session Log summarizing the mentorship activities of the week. Please submit a log every week, even if you didn’t connect with your youth.
Please complete your Session Log immediately following each session.
If you are engaging in an alternate mentorship format, please ensure logs are submitted by Monday morning each week. Any questions regarding session logs can be forwarded to Dan or Warda.
When contacting youth via email, please CC Warda and the Primary Contact for the organization your mentee is associated with.
if you can't get ahold of your mentee..
Message your mentee directly and make a note in your Session Log
Call the Primary Contact at the organization your youth is associated with; they may be able to connect you directly with the youth
If they don’t answer, call the Front Desk and leave a message for the youth
Email your mentee to reschedule the missed session
Call or email Warda or Dan if the problem persists.
If 2 weeks go by and you haven’t heard from your mentee, please note that in your session log and we will put the partnership On Pause.
If your mentorship is On Pause, you do NOT need to continue trying to connect! Warda or Dan will reach out to the youth directly and update you when contact is re-established.
If 2 additional weeks pass without word from the youth the partnership will be ended.
We are committed to supporting artist-mentors, regardless of the length or format of the partnership. If you ever have any questions or concerns, feel free to call or email Warda or Dan.
Reporting/Checking In
In working for Project: Humanity you have a great deal of support.
If you ever find yourself in a situation that feels uncomfortable please communicate right away!
Some examples of situations to report:
Youth tells you about something that has caused or could cause harm to them or someone else.
Youth crosses “teacher-student” boundaries (i.e. flirting)
Youth asks for help with things unrelated to your teaching.
Youth wants to increase communication beyond your comfort (i.e. texting or calling outside of sessions)
You notice/worry that something in a session negatively impacted your youth mentee.
What to do if there is something to report:
Your first support is PH. Call or email Warda or Dan.
If for any reason you want to speak to someone other than Dan, you can contact Andrew Kushnir, Project: Humanity’s Artistic Director.
If you want to report something directly to staff at the organization your youth is associated with, you can call or email the Primary Contact or Front Desk.
Art Materials and Equipment
If, over the course of the mentorship, you or your mentee identify any arts materials or equipment that would be necessary or beneficial for your mentorship, please let P:H know as soon as possible -- either by including it in your Session Log, or via email to Warda. Some materials may include paint supplies, instruments, computer or tablet-based software, etc.
In addition, if the mentee for any reason does not have a phone/tablet/computer that they can use to keep in contact with you, please let Warda know ASAP and we will arrange a tech loan.
Community Connection
We’ve started to bring our social justice framework into our mentorship sessions and PH 1:1 community through a weekly discussion prompt + private Instagram account. Please request to follow us @ph_youthspace
If you have any thoughts or concerns about how the program is going, please feel free to reach out to Warda, Dan, or anyone at PH at any time.
Thank you for bringing your gifts and your heart to this venture!